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The UpLife Blog

Browse our blog archive below to find tons of resources about wellness methods and many other helpful topics.

Harnessing the Power Within

Harnessing the Power Within: Manifesting Reality Through Consciousness

Throughout the ages, esteemed spiritual leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, Gautama Buddha, and Ralph Waldo Emerson have imparted a profound truth: our minds hold the key to creating our reality. In 1897, co-founder of the Unity church, Charles Fillmore, wrote, “Mind is that from which the manifested comes forth.” Is this concept merely a metaphysical proposition, or does it hold a literal truth?

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The Millennium Bridge The Millennium Bridge Over the Thames River

The Millennium Bridge

The Millennium Bridge over the Thames River was intended to be a marvel. Opened on June 10, 2000, it was the first crossing to be constructed over the venerable river in a century, in this case, a pedestrian bridge linking Bankside with the City of London and a five-minute walk to St. Paul’s Cathedral. The designers extolled it as “a pure expression of engineering structure,” comparing its sleek lines to a blade of light.

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Stanford Marshmallow Experiments

What Do the Stanford Marshmallow Experiments Tell Us?

In the realm of psychological exploration, the Stanford Marshmallow Experiments stand as a beacon of both insight and inspiration. Picture a room with innocent children and a single fluffy marshmallow, testing the depths of their self-control. Just 15 minutes of resisting the sweet temptation became a supreme test of emotional restraint for these young minds.

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Biology Versus Chronology with Aging

Biology Versus Chronology

We have long held the belief that age is etched on our faces and embodied by our bodies. Yet, a profound observation invites our attention: not all 80-year-olds appear weathered by time. Some defy the expected societal script, standing tall with vibrant energy, smooth skin, and agile strides. This fascinating realm of biological age, a dimension that can diverge dramatically from the mere tally of years, captures the intrigue of scientists worldwide. For within the tapestry of existence, a person of 60 may possess a biological age of 50 or 70.

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How to Teach Your Child EFT

How to Teach Your Child EFT

The world can be a very confusing and stressful place for children, and they often don’t know how to process the emotions they experience, making them easily overwhelmed. As adults, it’s our job to help them deal effectively with these emotions in a healthy way and give them the tools they need to do so on their own.

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