Welcome to UpLife!

About Our Founder:
Dawson Church, PhD
Best-Selling Author, Scientist, Speaker and Visionary

Dawson Church, PhD, is an award-winning author with three best-selling books to his credit.
A scientist at his core, Dr. Church has conducted dozens of clinical trials and founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare to study and implement promising evidence-based psychological and medical techniques.

Unlock Your True Potential
Whether you’re looking for a new path to find balance in your life, or you’re exploring new spiritual methods to relieve internal suffering, UpLife has all the energy healing resources you need. Here you’ll find interactive trainings and customized courses that speak directly to your soul to help you find what you’re looking for. All UpLife pathways and trainings allow individuals, professionals, or even organizations to discover how to unlock human potential.
Anyone can do it ... if you know how.
Learn EcoMeditation, EFT tapping, Spiritual Intelligence, and so much more from world-renowned healing researcher and an award-winning author, Dawson Church, PhD.

Popular Courses

In our multi-week program we show you step-by-step how you can have long-term relief from Fibromyalgia. Text, videos, and audio will lead you through the steps you can take to find relief without medication or ongoing expenses. In addition you’ll also find weekly personal stories, case studies, and bonus materials.

Professional Ethics
We believe that in order to be a great practitioner and coach you must also be an ethical one. In this course you will go through numerous scenarios to help you make the correct choices.

Naturally Thin You
Simply the most powerful set of weight loss techniques we’ve ever assembled. You learn to control emotional eating and cravings in seconds. Enroll to discover the secrets of long-term, permanent weight loss learned in scientific studies. 6 Multi-media Modules

Guidance From Your Inner Light Master Class
This course trains you to connect and work with your Higher Power through step-by-step guidance and practical tools. It gives you access to sources of inspiration and knowledge far greater than yourself. After the 21 day walk, you’ll have all the resources of that connection available for the rest of your life.

Loving Relationships Now
This powerful program will completely change the way you experience relationships. Each week offers you a potent mix of ideas, stories by real people, cutting-edge science, rich audio & video content, and practical exercises to literally change the relationship wiring in your brain. These are the skills you need to create true and lasting love.

Getting Into Bliss Brain
This course will help you with anxiety, stress, insomnia, weight, love, money, spiritual growth, career, and more. Experts walk you through how 15 minutes can make your entire day better. Take this course to help your brain rewrite itself to be calmer, happier, and more resilient.

Personal Peace Procedure
Imagine if you could erase all the anger, fear, shame, guilt, blame, grief and resentment created by events in your past. Your life would then no longer be shaped by them. You could choose the best possible future, free of the past. The Personal Peace Procedure course systematically guides you through tapping away the negative emotion from 40 stressful past events.

Genie In Your Genes
You can literally change your genes to boost your happiness, vitality, and health! This course covers the remarkable scientific discoveries in the new field of Epigenetics that are the keys to wellbeing. It trains you in 12 easy practical methods that boost health, energy and happiness.

Coaching Psychology
From understanding your client’s goals and dreams… to identifying their subconscious barriers to success… to reading their body language… all require a solid understanding of the psychology of coaching. This neuroscience-based program trains you in the brain states and biological shifts that motivate clients to lasting behavioral change. Shows how to evoke peak states of "flow" in clients, helping them thrive beyond their old set points.
What students are saying...

Dr. Malika Morisset Bonapace, D.Psy.

Dianne Brooke

Gayle Rideout

Belva Fay

The latest from our blog:

Use Consciousness and Belief to Heal Your Body
Our minds are powerful architects of reality, shaping not just our thoughts but the very fabric of our physical existence. This profound connection between mind and matter is illustrated vividly in a recent study from Michigan State University, where even the mere belief in the efficacy of a treatment—when coupled with an understanding of the placebo effect—proved to be a potent force against stress. This research reinforces the principle that our consciousness is not just a passive observer but an active participant in creating the conditions of our lives, including our health.

Unlocking the Bliss Molecule: Your Brain’s Path to Inner Joy
In the early 1990s, an analytical chemist, Lumír Hanuš, embarked on a groundbreaking journey in the realm of cannabis research. Partnering with the esteemed Professor Raphael Mechoulam at Hebrew University in Israel, Hanuš expected to delve deeper into the plant’s therapeutic properties.

A Revolution of Thought: Embracing the Power Within
When the tides of your thoughts shift, a magnificent transformation takes place. Like electricity coursing through the intricate pathways of your mind, this energy reverberates outward, harmonizing with the collective consciousness of like-minded souls. The profound impact that awaits is beyond your wildest imagination.

Resonating with the Power of Connection
Recently, a group of friends and I eagerly attended the premiere of a science fiction film at a cutting-edge theater equipped with an immersive Dolby Atmos speaker system. As the spacecraft sped the screen, the thunderous roar of its engines reverberated through the theater

Communing with Dolphins
Every year, I embark on a week-long adventure of swimming with dolphins. Often it takes me to Hawaii, where I hop on a boat in search of playful spinner dolphins. These magnificent creatures, known for their acrobatic spins out of the water, don’t typically seek interaction with humans. However, I discovered that by swimming with a dolphin-like motion, they would approach me more closely, creating unique connections.

Near-Death Sight
Vicki Umipeg, a 45-year-old woman who had been blind since birth due to optic nerve damage, had a remarkable experience following a near-death incident. Despite her lifelong absence of visual perception, her encounter provided glimpses into a world she had never known.