UpLife Research Studies
Your Very Own Scientific Research Hub for All Things EFT, Meditation, & So Much More
This information research page contains over 5,000 stories of individuals who have recovered from various physical and psychological challenges using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). These stories are supported by scientific research that demonstrates the effectiveness of EFT methods as an evidence-based practice. EFT has been shown to be an effective self-help tool and is also used in particular healthcare settings by medical and mental health professionals for various reasons.
Businessman hand is on the trackpad, typing on a laptop keyboard, while reading a business document. In a modern office, a corporate man, a lawyer, works. Concept of business and technology.
This EFT research library, or bibliography, contains a list of more than 100 papers published in peer-reviewed professional journals across the world. The research found in the below links has been shaped by the criteria for evidence-based treatments defined by the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Division 12 Task Force on Empirically Validated Treatments. These abstracts are organized into several categories for easier digestion, including Outcome Studies, Clinical Reports, Mechanisms Papers, Review Articles and Meta-Analyses, and Skeptical and Opposing Viewpoints. Outcome studies are further divided by condition, such as anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as you’ll find below.
Syllabus of These Research Papers
To help users navigate this section of the UpLife website, the outcome studies are presented first, followed by clinical reports, mechanisms papers, and review articles in that respective order for optimal understanding of the average person. We want to share our findings and teachings to anyone of any level of caliber, so this library of clinical papers reflects the most simplified information possible. If a meta-analysis is available, it is listed first in the below sections. Feel free to click on any study title that calls to you and it will take you directly to the paper's abstract and, if available, the full text of the paper, or a location online where it can be obtained. Everyone is organized in one place to keep your research readings easy.

All the studies listed on here have been published in peer-reviewed professional journals or submitted for publication after being presented at professional conferences. So, everything you find are highly respected and professionally recognized pieces of content. There are a few informal or unpublished research studies listed separately since they have not met the rigorous standards inherent in peer review, both those are obviously indicating accordingly.
The National Institute for Integrative Healthcare has performed many of these studies but we will be the first to admit more research is needed to continue the pursuit of information. The NIIH relies on donations to fund genetic tests, lab assays, and data analysis like these, so if you can donate, both our team and their clinicians would be greatly appreciative. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation or bequest to other EFT research, you may do so through the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare's website, found here: https://niih.org/. Feel free to visit their website to learn more about their current and future initiatives, and where else you could assist as well.
UpLife’s EFT Research Library
Outcome Studies
Outcome studies compare outcomes, aka, levels of pain, degrees of depressive symptoms, either between two groups, or between the same people before and after performing EFT methods. The headings below tell you, in alphabetical order, the conditions for which data was gathered in the trials below them and are the 7 main types of outcome studies we’ve performed:
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Clinical Reports
Clinical Reports describe the use of EFT within various groups, e.g., university students, prisoners, refugees, or abused children and the effects of the method thereof. They may contain quantitative data such as scores on symptom assessments or they may describe the ways in which practitioners can work with each type of population to provide more insight on true effects and their possible correlations.
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Mechanisms Papers
The “mechanisms of action” for a technique like EFT illustrate what is happening in the body during the application of the technique. These papers describe the neurological, epigenetic, psychoneuroimmunological, and hormonal pathways engaged by certain EFT methods to elaborate on the physical functionality of our practices.
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Review Articles and Meta-Analyses
Review articles gather all evidence necessary to explain a method (such as EFT) or a condition (such as phobias, PTSD, or pain). These documents provide reviews of the clinical studies that have been conducted and draw general conclusions from that analysis about the characteristics of the method. Many review articles of EFT and/or Energy Psychology have been published in well known, peer-reviewed journals across the world.
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Skeptical and Opposing Viewpoints
Per most everything in life, opposing viewpoints towards EFT does exist among some mental health professionals. Some individuals believe that EFT and similar techniques pose a potential threat to the classic science of psychology and psychiatry. These critics argue that the positive effects of EFT may be attributed to placebo effects, nonspecific gains found in any form of therapy, or many other factors or reasons.
Interestingly enough, these skeptical views are often reflected on Wikipedia pages about EFT, and other non-drug alternative therapies, which are full of opinion pieces and partial facts. Wikipedia editors, who are skeptics, tend to feature articles and opinion pieces that criticize these methods as “pseudoscience,” while censoring or filtering out positive outcome studies, randomized controlled trials, meta-analyses, and peer-reviewed papers that support these methods. Again, just like many things in life, those with a different opinion tend to slant their evidence to only illustrate what they believe and not the entire truth.
It is understandable that new therapies, such as EFT, face opposition from established methods due to a “translational gap.” For those who are unaware, this gap refers to the long delay between the discovery of new therapies and their implementation in primary care. The average time for a therapy to cross this gap is about 17 years, according to a US Government Analysis, with only 20% of new therapies succeeding in crossing the “quality chasm.” As a result, the benefits of the remaining 80% are lost to patients. This is no stranger to EFT professionals and is an unfortunate hurdle many practitioners must work through together.
Despite any skepticism, our goal, and the goal of all other EFT professionals, is to ensure that people suffering from conditions like PTSD or major depression have access to EFT as a viable option in primary care. While some articles published in peer-reviewed journals criticize EFT, readers should be able to decide on the merits of these criticisms for themselves. So, our goal here is to present you with both sides, all angles, and every fact, so you can digest this information and form your own opinion as you wish. Below are some alternative thoughts to the practice of EFT methods and their effects:
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If you’re interested in learning more about EFT, or any other aspects or findings to EFT, we’d love to hear from you! Give our team here at UpLife a call today to receive robust information and/or enroll in our course as well! Learn more about what we provide and let us know if there’s anything else you’re looking for. UpLife is here for YOU!