The Coaching Psychology Course
How Neuroscience and Brain-Based Training Transforms Coaches from Good to Great
If you’re a coach — or interested in becoming a coach — you’re committed to producing great results for your clients. You chose the career or coaching because you strongly want to facilitate change.
And when it happens for one of your clients, you feel great. You share the moment of success.
Yet for most coaches, these moments are the exception rather than the rule. Most coaches struggle with most of their clients, having a gnawing feeling that they could be producing more than occasional incremental improvement.
Even when the client do make progress, it rarely lasts. Old habits creep back again, and unconscious limiting beliefs sabotages their long-term success. So many coaching relationships end in frustration for both coach and client.
That’s because so few coaches are trained in the psychology of coaching.
There’s a century of research into what works and doesn’t work. There are literally thousands of studies in the field of psychology that show how to produce change. Yet most coaches are unfamiliar with this treasure trove. They’re using methods based on faith and folklore, not science.
The research literature of psychology and neuroscience gives coaches a vast resource to draw on. It’s “evidence-based,” meaning that it’s grounded in solid research — not on guesswork or hunches.
Many of its findings about human motivation and behavior are counter-intuitive. Some are 180 degrees opposite to the conventional wisdom taught in coaching programs. Coaches without this knowledge can actually become obstacles to their client’s progress.
To give coaches access to this gold mine of information, award-winning science author Dawson Church, PhD, and his team at Energy Psychology Group created the Coaching Psychology program. It’s based on the latest findings in neuroscience as well as the foundational research in behavioral psychology.
It took tens of thousands of hours to curate and assemble the best-of-the-best methods and information in an easy accessible form. Now, it’s available to all coaches in the form of the brilliant new Coaching Psychology course from Energy Psychology Group.
Dawson’s evidence-based course trains coaches in how to use proven psychological principles to produce radical transformation in clients — and do it reliably and consistently. In this state-of-the-art program, you will learn how the brain assimilates information, and how to use this knowledge effectively in your coaching sessions. You’ll discover:
How neuroscience in essential to knowing what's happening inside your clients brain
Why the three-part structure of the brain makes changes so difficult
The half-life of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, crucial in regulating stress
The most important neural structures through which the brain processes incoming information
The way emotion hijacks rational planning — and how to counteract it in seconds
The parts of the brain that can be changed by effective coaching
Why clients are usually unable to articulate what they are really seeking
Brain structures that wire together in early childhood and how to influence them
Which brain wave frequencies are present in a client having a breakthrough, and one in having breakdown
How deliberately creating association between designed goals and habits can be reinforce by neural plasticity
Why old habits take over when people are under stress
The precise length of time it takes to counteract an old conditioned response
How to apply the research findings of the new field of "memory reconsolidation and extinction" to overwrite old programs in a client's neural circuitry
The parts of the neural network that grow in response to effective coaching
The stages of change through which clients evolve
How to quickly determine a client's primary information processing modality
How to craft your interventions to work with resistant and self-sabotaging clients
When goal-setting is counterproductive and when it's essential
How life trauma can make it unsafe for clients to change
The subtle cues that expert coaches pick up from body language
How to assess a client's readiness and willingness to change
The art of bringing subconscious barriers to success to the surface
Why client resistance can actually be used to facilitate change
How to engineer a powerful collaborative environment between coach and client
When brief courses of coaching are appropriate and when they're fatal
Creating long-term relationships with clients that can support them for years
How to set appropriate professional boundaries, and why some coaching relationships need completely different boundaries
When to challenge clients and when to support them
How to create safety and security as framework for every session
What to do when emotional trauma is triggered in a client
How much of your own story and personal struggle you should share with a client
There are 13 units in the Coaching Psychology Program. They build your understanding of coaching psychology step by step. Unit 1 begins by explaining the remarkable changes that happen in the bodies of your clients as you apply these techniques.
You will learn that when you change the software of the mind, you can change the hardware of the brain. After reviewing the core competencies of excellent coaches, you can get an overview of the best techniques of visioning and goal-setting.
You don’t just learn how to help clients solve their problems and get back to baseline. You learn to help clients soar high above their previous best, transcending their old set points and experience Peak states.
The course also contains dozens of inspiring stories of coaches and clients who’ve used these methods to produce radical change. It’s fully referenced in American Psychological Association style, so you can see the evidence base on which it’s built, and delve deeper into the primary research behind any topic that particularly fascinates you. The 13 Units include:
Unit 1: The Biology of Personal Transformation
Unit 2: The Basics of Coaching Psychology
Unit 3: How Coaching Uses the Mind to Change the Brain
Unit 4: Core Coaching Competencies
Unit 5: Stages of Change
Unit 6: How to Use Appreciative Inquiry in Your Coaching Practice
Unit 7: More Tools for Your Coaching Toolbox Nonviolent Communication and Motivational Interviewing
Unit 8: Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, and Self-Efficacy
Unit 9: Using Assessments
Unit 10: Visioning and Goal Setting
Unit 11: Set Points and Breakthroughs
Unit 12: The Structure of Coaching Sessions
Unit 13: Peak States and Thriving
When you complete the final test, you’ll obtain a certificate of completion. You can frame and proudly display this certificate in your office, and state on your website that you have acquired the Coaching Psychology credential. This assures your clients that you are knowledgeable in the essential field of Coaching Psychology, and able to help them get great results with neuroscience-based methods in the course.
The Coaching Psychology program is an excellent value at $2,997. It gives you the leverage to be a much more effective (and higher earning coach.
However, we believe so strongly that every coach should be empowered with this knowledge that we’re offering it at he introductory rate of $1,997. To get that $1000 off, use the coupon code THOUSANDOFF at checkout.
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- It's based on over 1,000 scientific studies
- It shows exactly what being "in the Zone" means, psychologically and physically
- It explains the brain frequency formulas that produce calmness, centering and high-quality decision-making
- It teaches the exact methods that induce a state of "Flow" in yourself and your clients
- It reveals the peak performance secrets of top olympians and enterpreneurs at places like Google, Nike, the NFL, and Rebook
- It is enriched by in-depth guest faculty presentations by brilliant researchers such as:
Jack Canfield M.A
Co-author of the Chicken Soup series
Dr. Dan J. Siegel, M.D.
University of California, L.A.
Dr. Peta Stapleton, PhD
Bond University
Dr. Rick Leskowitz, M.D.
Harvard University
- It shows how to take your clients beyond well-being to thriving
- It analyzes the science of Peak States and how to achieve them
- It's delivered within a state-of-the-art Learning Management System (LMS) that automates your learning experience and keeps you on track.
- It gives you access to our virtual community where you can interact with other participants and faculty members
He coordinated with researchers at prestigious universities such as Harvard Medical School, Columbia University, Washington University, California Pacific Medical Center and many more.
His best-known book is called The Genie in Your Genes, has won several rewards and is used as a textbook in a number of college courses.
He’s also been privileged to collaborate with many of the top people in the field of personal transformation, including: John Cray, Jack Canfield, Donna Eden, Bruce Lipton, Caroline Myss, Robert Kiyosaki, Christiane Northrup, Neale Donald Walsch, and Marci Shimoff.
In the past few years, He’s trained over 5,000 people. That would be “a lot” for almost anybody, but his vision is to help 10 million people relieve their suffering. That’s why he wants to help coaches and nutritionists like yourself learn these techniques, so you help your clients finally break the chains of the past.
In the past few years, He’s trained over 5,000 people. That would be “a lot” for almost anybody, but his vision is to help 10 million people relieve their suffering. That’s why he wants to help coaches and nutritionists like yourself learn these techniques, so you help your clients finally break the chains of the past.
The capstone of the Coaching Psychology course includes two Units that are unique to Dawson’s program. They train you in neuroscience-based skills that are found in no other coaching program available today. These include:
The Neurobiology of Transformation. You’ll learn the brain states and neurological changes your clients will experience in the course of lasting change.
Set Points. These are the unconscious limits that determine our potential. Your ability as a coach to identify the set points of your clients is essential. This skill allows you to craft the most effective strategies to raise those set points, and make informed choices about when and how to lead a client past their blocks.
Thriving. Beyond just getting better, you’ll understand what accelerating far above the client’s old baseline looks like. You’ll learn the 14 characteristics of people who thrive and how to awaken clients into this state.
Peak States. Peak experiences aren’t accidental. You can learn to cultivate them deliberately. You’ll understand the neurochemistry and epigenetics of peak states, and how to turn them into permanent traits installed in your clients at the cellular level.
You deserve the information in the Coaching Psychology program. So do your clients. Enroll for this remarkable course today and unlock the benefits for yourself and those you serve. Earn a great credential while becoming a masterful coach. Get the boost in income you deserve from delivering great results. Enroll today.
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